Thursday, September 13, 2012


Funny, annoying, or perhaps a bit of both (funnoying):

  • When people tell me that their children are so close in age that it was ALMOST like having twins.
  • Being asked (already!!!!) if we'll have more kids after Owen & Emma. Hmmm... how  about we focus on the arrival of these two first.
  • Getting my belly touched and rubbed by total strangers.
  • People passing me, glancing as they go by and seeing that I'm pregnant, continuing to walk and then doing the double take-look over their shoulder-I can't believe she's so huge stare (sometimes while mouthing, "WOW!" Okay, the mouthing of "wow" only happened once, but still, it was worth mentioning, right?)
  • People pointing at me and doing the universal pregnant sign of a semi-circle swoop with their hand... yes, I know I'm pregnant, thank you for pointing out the obvious as I waddle in your direction.
  • Talking about vaginas and boobs with curious people (Will you be able to deliver vaginally? Will you breastfeed?) Uhm... do I even know you?
  • The things that come from other mom's mouths when they're telling me some of their stories/experiences. And I thought the things their kids said was funny...
  • My Thai helper telling me not to drink coconut water because Thai people believe that it will make the baby come early. Then literally, the next day, my landlady (who is also Thai) telling me that I should drink coconut water water because it is healthy for the baby and helps get rid of the waxy layer that surrounds the baby. 
  • It's always funny to me how people react to my size when they don't realize that I'm expecting twins...
    • At my last check-up at 33 weeks, 3 hospital workers must have thought I was going to explode; they each wanted me to use a wheelchair. (I don't always reject wheelchairs, but try to walk as much as possible when I can, so that I at least get a little exercise.)
    • The nurse working with my doctor during a check-up was worried and exclaiming (in Thai whispers) to my doctor how LARGE I was. When he told her that I was expecting "two people," her entire attitude and demeanor towards me changed (and the Thai whispering also disappeared).
  • And my all time favorite: when you apparently slip through the cracks at the hospital, and the "at risk" nurse calls you when you're 33 weeks pregnant and the babies could be born really any day, and tells you to a) eat a lot of protein b) not eat a lot of sugar and c) lay on your right side when you sleep (doesn't every pregnancy book say the left!?) Uhm... thanks, lady?! Maybe you should have tried calling and giving me advice 23 weeks ago when I wasn't about to go into labor any minute, but I'm glad you could check me off your to-do list.

Thai people are very sweet and really accommodate to pregnant women. Some things that my building guards & building cleaners do for me now (that are neither funny or annoying but just kind...):
  • Hold my hand down the 4 stairs at the front of our building since there is no railing
  • Ask each time now if I need them to call a taxi for me
  • Ask me if I'm in pain
  • Open and close car doors for me when a friend or a taxi pick me up/drop me off
  • Bring any groceries/bags I might have directly to my apartment
  • Open the building door for me before I can even think to pull out my key card
  • Tell me how lucky I am that I have twins & on top of that a boy and a girl
  • Explain to others that I am having twins so that they don't silently judge how large I am. Okay, it's probably not because they don't want them to judge me... I think they are legitimately excited that there are going to be twins in our building, so they tell other people, other guards, visitors, etc. It's cute. I can't wait to see how they react to O & E when they finally arrive. I'm sure they'll get loved on immensely. :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! A few of those sound very familiar--like the random strangers touching the belly and conversations about vaginal births and breastfeeding with random people. It's amazing how many people will ask you about that! And the "any more children?" inquiry. Of course, no twins here, but still it's a slightly awkward question. I get it a lot now too, and I'm sitting there thinking about how my baby isn't even 3 months old.
    Anyways, I love hearing about your pregnancy adventures and we're looking forward to Owen and Emma's arrival! Having a friend who has twin boys, I'm looking forward to hearing about how your new adventures go. :) Love you guys!
